Everyone needs somewhere to shop... having seen all the other outstanding posts about reusing the armoured containers from Games Workshop as 'shops' in Necromunda I fancied having a go myself.
My budget could not stretch to £30 for a set of three so I ordered these for £6 including postage from the excellent Trolltrader on Ebay.
This also prompted me into spending a good few hours tidying up my Warhammer cupboard and trying to get my umpteen boxes of bitz down to a more manageable size.
I had been tucking away all sorts of bits and pieces (in boxes in the garage.. some of which I still can not find!) in the hope they would come in useful for scenary.
This one I see as a weapons emporium. None of the insides are done yet. They will eventually have a counter and shelves and all sorts. For the moment I have been putting together the rough outline.
This will be a well stocked shop, perhaps with the bulk of the weapons stored underground?
Not many places have a heavy flamer on the door and a missile launcher on the roof. Does it work? Would you want to find out?

This one will be more of a general store. Perhaps the blue gubbins is a water filter? I should imagine decent quality water would be at a premium in the underhive. Maybe that is why it has a storm bolter on the top.
Again I have a lot of bits and pieces to add to these...
I have glued these together with PVA and used old hardboard backing from photo frames for the bases. I have also put a watered down layer of PVA over almost everything as a base for painting. Plastic to plastic uses the traditional Revell plastic glue and everything else is stuck with pound shop superglue (the sort where you get 10 to a pack).
The metal pack on top is just loose.. this will move outside for 'power'... there is clearly some sort of communication tower out back and lighting provided by a spotlight out front.
All in all I am very pleased at what you get for £6. The quality and fit is excellent and I think I will look at some more of the TT Combat stuff from Ebay to expand on this project.
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