Tuesday 15 October 2024

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Kind of both really...


Part of the excellent Halfling Army from ttCombat these birdmen satisfy that itch from the original Dogs of War army.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Halflings - Update 2

 These are some of the units I have painted so far

They all slot away nicely upside down into the tiny "penny sized" foams from KR. This saves a lot of space compare to using the normal troop slots for other 28 mm models.

Friday 12 April 2024

Grail Reliquary

 I have always wanted one of the original original Grail Reliquary units. I looked around on Etsy for some alternative models lately and came across this excellent piece:


The "leader" of the reliquary base is actually a 3D printed priest model, originally meant to complement Empire troops I think but works well here.

The other miniatures are actually a mixture of a range of different sprues that I got from eBay, they include:

28mm Gripping Beast viking hirdmen

Conquest Medieval archer sprues 28mm Dark ages

Oathmark Human Infantry sprue (NEW TO RANGE)

Frostgrave Soldiers 28mm Sprue

This worked out a lot cheaper than any other option and gives a bit of a unique look to the unit.

Thursday 11 April 2024



A small "sub" army during the Imperium magazine run was the Sisters of Battle. I would not normally pick up these off the shelf but to be honest there were some nice models within the set.

Not shown here is also three Paragon Warsuits which were given as the extra bits on a ten run extension to the magazine subscription at the end. 

Saturday 6 April 2024

Half an Army

 After seeing some of the Wargames Atlantic Halflings and snapping up a box, then going on to look at a cheap deal on the Kings of War Halflings (which it turns out I hate) and then moving on to the ttCombat and Maxmini figures, I now have half an army done and half to go!

You can use these with the excellent One Page Rules as well


and you can track your progress with Pile of Potential.


Sunday 20 February 2022

Imperium - Dusty Necrons - 001

 So this would never be my choice of army but I thought, it comes with the magazine, let us give it a go

Again, a nice simple and very quick paint scheme... slap on the metal.. .give it some touch colours... black wash on metal...

I like the bright blue and purple as a tone to complement the metallic areas

Basic bases again with the crackle type paint I originally got for my Admech

They come up reasonably well for such a basic paint job

The rust effect Vallejo paint also helps here 

Except these... these.. these I hate.. the worst blooming models I have ever had to put together...so fiddly...

Imperium - Dust Wolves 001

 So yes... I subscribed to the Imperium Magazine.

Dust Wolves - not Space Wolves... Dust Wolves... a desert type planet origin with large dust storms obscuring most of the surface.

A simple paint scheme similar to my original space marines I did over 20 odd years ago (Dark Templars)

Using the decals from Space Wolves for a wolf image

Basic bases at the moment using some crackle type GW paint

Some toned down muted colours with subtle highlighting